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NoMaD News

MARCH 2025

  • Jonathan Bird visited Colorado School of Mines to present a talk on NoMaD research on transient investigations of nanomaterials driven out of equilibrium.


  • Jonathan Bird visited Argonne National Lab to present a talk on NoMaD research on transient investigations of nanomaterials driven out of equilibrium.


  • Dylan Tua, who is working to develop 2D transistors for integrated thermal sensing of chips, attended the 2024 Workshop on Innovative Devices and Systems on the Big Island of Hawaii, winning the Outstanding Presentation Award for his talk on “2D Transition-Metal-Dichalcogenide Based Integrated Sensors for On-Chip Detection of Thermal Fluxes”. This award is sponsored by Applied Physics Letters and recognizes the contributions of early-career researchers. The work performed by Dylan is the result of a collaboration with the Barmak group at Columbia, and was supported by the AFOSR CoMMAND MURI. Fantastic job Dylan!

  • Jonathan Bird gave a talk on NoMaD research on spin transport in hybrid graphene/chromia heterostructures at ISNTT 2024, the 2024 International School and Symposium on Nanodevices and Quantum Technologies, which was held at the NTT Basic Research Laboratories in Atsugi, Japan.


  • Jonathan Bird gave keynote talks on NoMaD research at two international workshops in India. ICFPAM-2024 (The 16th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials) was held in Berhampur, Odisha and was organized by IISER Berhampur. ICFNA-2024 (The International Conference on Functional Nanomaterials and their Applications in Sustainability, Environment, Energy, and Biotechnology) was held on the Goa campus of BITS Pilani. 


  • In a visit to Riga Technical University (Latvia), Jonathan Bird delievered a keynote talk on the current status of microelectronics research in the United States, while meeting with academic leaders from RTU to review our joint ventures in education and research. Another highlight of the visit was a meeting with a bright class of students from an elite high school affiliated with RTU.



  • NEW FUNDING: Jonathan Bird is the PI on a new NSF FuSe2 project. This $1.9M, three-year program, involving partners at the University of Albany and the University of Nebraska Lincoln, explores beyond-CMOS magneto-electric devices and circuits for energy-efficient applications. 



  • Jonathan Bird gave a contributed talk on NoMaD research on the dynamics of charge-density wave phases in two-dimensional materials, at the 2024 International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, held in Ottawa, Canada.

JULY 2024

  • Jonathan Bird gave an invited talk on NoMaD research on hot-carrier phenomena in 2D materials driven strongly out of equilibrium, at the 2nd International Workshop on Microwave Research and Applications, held in Comaruga, Spain.

  • NEW FUNDING: Jonathan Bird received a $95K renewal award from the Coherent/II-VI Foundation to continue his research on plasmonic transistors.


JUNE 2024

  • NEW PAPER: Say Sanjeet, Jonathan Bird, and Bibhu Datta Sahoo, "MEFET-based CAM/TCAM for memory-augmented neural networks", IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits 10, 10.1109/JXCDC.2024.3410681 (2024).

  • Jonathan Bird gave an invited talk at TeraTech 2024 on NoMaD research on plasmonic transistors for THz applications, held at the University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.

MAY 2024

  • NEW PAPER: Gregory R. Aizin, Shahabaj Mundaganur, Aarbaj Mundaganur, and Jonathan P. Bird, "Terahertz‐frequency plasmonic‐crystal instability in field‐effect transistors with asymmetric gate arrays", Scientific Reports 14, 11856 (2024).

  • NEW PAPER: Shenchu Yin, Keke He, Bilal Barut, Michael D. Randle, Ripudaman Dixit, Jubin Nathawat, Davoud Adinehloo, Vasili Perebeinos, Jong E. Han, and Jonathan P. Bird, "Real-Time Observation of Slowed Charge Density Wave Dynamics in Thinned 1T-TaS2", Advanced Physics Research 3, 2400033 (2024).

APRIL 2024

  • NoMaD alumni Ratchanok "Ann" Somphonsane and Harihara "Hari" Ramamoorthy have returned to UB for a month to engage in collaboration and explore new directions for joint research. Ann and Hari are both faculty at KMITL in Bangkok, Thailand. Welcome back to Buffalo Ann and Hari!


  • Jonathan Bird gave an invited talk on NoMaD research on transient studies of hot-carrier dynamics in semiconductors at SPIE West 2024, held at the Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA.

  • Jonathan Bird gave an invited talk on NoMaD research on ionic gating of 2D materials at ISN2A 2024, the 6th International Caparica Workshop on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Applications, held in Caparica, Portugal. At the same meeting, David Shaibu also gave a shotgun presentation on his research on nanoscale antenna fabrication for TERS studies of 2D materials.


  • David Shaibu successfully defended his MS thesis on research on nanoscale antenna fabrication for application to tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. David will continue his studies in NoMaD, pursuing his PhD degree. Congratulations David!


  • Jonathan Bird gave a keynote talk on NoMaD research on graphene spintronics at IEEE NMDC 2023, the IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference, at Paestum, Italy


  • Jonathan Bird gave two contributed presentations on NoMaD research at EDSION22, the 22nd International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures, at Muenster, Germany. 

JULY 2023

  • Jonathan Bird gave an invited talk on NoMaD research on spintronic transport in graphene-based magneto-electric FETs at IEEE NANO 2023. The conference brought participants from all over Asia, Europe and North America to Jeju Island, South Korea. During the same trip he also returned for the first time since 2020 to Chiba University in Japan, giving a seminar on NoMaD research on quantum devices and meeting with his longtime collaborator Prof. Nobuyuki Aoki.

JUNE 2023

  • NEW PAPER: Kendon Shirley, Hsinhan Tsai, Nicholas Cucciniello, Jonathan Bird, Quanxi Jia, Elias Torres, Phil Butler, Anthony Butler, Jerome Crocco, Eslam Taha, Abdulsalam Alhawsawi, Jessica Germino, Maoz Dor, Chaochao Dun, Omer Firat, Jared Parker, Matt Graham, Novoselov Kostya S, and Wanyi Nie, "High-efficiency X‐ray sensing with recyclable perovskite−graphene heterostructured Transistors", ACS Energy Letters 8, 3161 (2023).

  • Dylan Tue successfully defended his MS thesis on research on the applications of electron-beam lithography to the fabrication of nanoscale devices. Dylan will continue his studies in NoMaD, pursuing his PhD degree. Congratulations Dylan!


MAY 2023

  • NEW PAPER: Jong E. Han, Camille Aron, Xi Chen, Ishiaka Mansaray, Jae-Ho Han, Ki-Seok Ki, Michael Randle, and Jonathan P. Bird, "Correlated insulator collapse due to quantum avalanche via in-gap ladder states", Nature Communications 14, 2936 (2023).


APRIL 2023

  • An article on recent NoMaD research on hot-carrier action in Moiré graphene was published by UB News, and featured by a number of different news sites.

  • NEW FUNDING: Jonathan Bird received a $95K renewal award from the Coherent/II-VI Foundation to continue his research on plasmonic transistors.

MARCH 2023

  • NEW PAPER: Jubin Nathawat, Ishiaka Mansaray, Kohei Sakanashi, Naoto Wada, Michael D. Randle, Shenchu Yin, Keke He, Nargess Arabchigavkani, Ripudaman Dixit, Bilal Barut, Miao Zhao, Harihara Ramamoorthy, Ratchanok Somphonsane, Gil-Ho Kim, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Nobuyuki Aoki, Jong E. Han, and Jonathan P. Bird, "Signatures of hot carriers and hot phonons in the re-entrant metallic and semiconducting states of Moiré-gapped graphene", Nature Communications 14, 1507 (2023).

  • Jonathan Bird visited three IIT institutions (IIT Delhi, Kanpur, and BHU) as part of a delegation from the University at Buffalo, to explore directions for further academic and research collaboration. He also visited the Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST, Mohali, Punjab) to give a seminar on NoMaD research at the 10th INST Foundation Day.


  • Jonathan Bird gave a seminar on NoMaD research on quantum transport in 2D materials at the TEL Technology Center, America in Albany NY. 


  • NEW PAPER: Hai Yen Le Thi, Tien Dat Ngo, Nhat Anh Nguyen Phan, Won Jong Yoo, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Nobuyuki Aoki, Jonathan P. Bird, and Gil-Ho Kim, "Self-forming p–n junction diode realized with WSe2 surface and edge dual contacts", Small 18, 2204547 (2022).

  • NEW PAPER: Ali Kefayati, Jonathan P. Bird, and Vasili Perebeinos, "Detection of single phonons via phonon drag in two-dimensional materials", Physical Review B 106, 155415 (2022).

  • Aarbaj and Shahabaj Mundaganur gave a joint talk on NoMaD research at the II-VI Foundation Mini Symposium, Cranberry, PA. 


  • Dylan Tua joined NoMaD to pursue his PhD degree. Dylan will work on a recently funded AFOSR MURI award, exploring approaches to quantum sensing of phonons. Welcome to the group Dylan!

  • Shenchu Yin successfully defended his PhD thesis, on the application of transient electrical measurements to the study of low-dimensional materials. Shenchu will be joining Intel in Portland, OR as a device-integration engineer. Congratulations Shenchu!

  • Keke He successfully defended his PhD thesis, on spin-transport phenomena in graphene-on-chromia heterostructure. Keke will be moving to UC Berkley to assume a position as a postdoctoral researcher. Congratulations Keke!

JULY 2022

  • In the past few months, a number of new students have joined NoMaD to pursue their PhD degrees. We welcome Aarbaj and Shahabaj Mundaganur, and Onoruoiza David Shaibu!

MAY 2022
  • Jonathan Bird gave an invited talk on NoMaD research on hot-carrier and hot-phonon effects in 2D materials at the MRS 2022 Spring Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. He also chaired a session at the same meeting.

APRIL 2022
  • Gizmodo reported how NoMaD researchers Jonathan Bird and Keke He teamed up with colleagues from the University of Nebraska Lincoln on a new study to design a more efficient, non-silicon transistor.

  • NEW FUNDING: Jonathan Bird received a $95K award from the II-VI Foundation to support his research on plasmonic transistors

MARCH 2022
  • NEW PAPER: Bilal Barut, Xavier Cantos-Roman, Justin Crabb, Chun-Pui Kwan, Ripudaman Dixit, Nargess Arabchigavkani, Shenchu Yin, Jubin Nathawat, Keke He, Michael D. Randle, Farah Vandrevala, Takeyoshi Sugaya, Erik Einarsson, Josep M. Jornet, Jonathan P. Bird, and Gregory R. Aizin, "Asymmetrically engineered nanoscale transistors for on-demand sourcing of terahertz plasmons", Nano Letters 22, 2674 (2022).

  • NEW FUNDING: Jonathan Bird is co-PI on a 5-year, multi-university MURI award from the AFOSR. The $7.5M project is led by SUNY Distinguished Professor Paras Prasad and also involves faculty from the Departments of Electrical Engineering, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chemistry and Physics. A news article related to this success can be found here.

  • Shenchu Yin and Keke He gave talks on NoMaD research at the annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society.

  • NEW PAPER: M. D. Randle, A. Lipatov, A. Datta, A. Kumar, I. Mansaray, A. Sinitskii, U. Singisetti, J. E. Han, and J. P. Bird, “High-electric-field behavior of the metal-insulator transition in TiS3 nanowire transistors”, Applied Physics Letters 120, 073102 (2022). This article was also highlighted on the front cover of the February 14th issue of Applied Physics Letters.

  • NEW PAPER: Shenchu Yin, Keke He, Michael D. Randle, Bilal Barut, Ripudaman Dixit, Alexey Lipatov, Alexander Sinitskii, and Jonathan P. Bird, "Probing the dynamics of electric double layer formation over wide time scales in the Ionic Liquid DEME-TFSI", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126, 1958 (2022).

  • Jonathan Bird gave a Keynote Speech on NoMaD research on hot-carrier phenomena in 1D and 2D materials at ISN2A 2022, the 5th International Caparica Symposium on Nanoparticles, Nanomaterials and Applications, Caparica, Portugal. Keke He also gave a shotgun presentation on his research on graphene-on-chromia spintronics at the same meeting.

  • NEW PAPER: Keke He, Bilal Barut, Shenchu Yin, Michael D. Randle, Ripudaman Dixit, Nargess Arabchigavkani, Jubin Nathawat, Ather Mahmood, Will Echtenkamp, Christian Binek, Peter A. Dowben, and Jonathan P. Bird, "Graphene on chromia: a system for beyond-room-temperature spintronics", Advanced Materials 34, 2105023 (2022).

  • News on two NoMaD ALUMNI. Rui Chen (PhD 2015) was recently promoted to the rank of Professor at the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMECAS). Mike Randle (PhD 2021) moved to RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Saitaima, Japan) to take up a position as a postdoctoral scientist. Congratulations to them both!!

  • NEW PAPER: K. Sakanashi, P. Krüger, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, G.-H. Kim, D. K. Ferry, J. P. Bird, and N. Aoki, "Signature of spin-resolved quantum point contact in p-type trilayer WSe2 van der Waals heterostructure", Nano Letters 21, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c01828 (2021).

​JULY 2021
  • Michael Randle successfully defended his PhD thesis, on the electrical characterization of nanoscale titanium trisulfide electrostatic and electric double-layer transistors. Mike will assume a position as a postdoctoral researcher in the Advanced Device Laboratory of Dr. Koji Ishibashi at the Institute for Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) in Japan. Good luck at my "alma mater" Mike!

  • Ripudaman Dixit successfully defended his PhD thesis, on studies of hot-carrier phenomena in III-V based solar absorbers. Ripudaman will assume a position as an integration engineer with Intel, Portland OR. Congratulations Ripudaman!

MAY 2021
  • NEW PAPER: M. D. Randle, A. Lipatov, I. Mansaray, J. E. Han, A. Sinitskii, and J. P. Bird, "Collective states and charge density waves in the group IV transition metal trichalcogenides", Applied Physics Letters 118, 210502 (2021). This work is part of an APL Special Collection on Charge-Density-Wave Quantum Materials and Devices and was also selected as a Featured Article.

  • Bilal Barut successfully defended his PhD thesis, on studies of plasmonic phenomena in nanoscale transistors. Congratulations Bilal!

MARCH 2021
  • NEW PAPER: A. Mohammadzadeh, S. Baraghani, S. Yin, F. Kargar, J. P. Bird, and A. A. Balandin, "Evidence for a thermally driven charge-density- wave transition in 1T-TaS2 thin-film devices: Prospects for GHz switching speed", Applied Physics Letters 118, 093102 (2021). This work is part of an APL Special Collection on Charge-Density-Wave Quantum Materials and Devices and was also selected as an Editor's Pick.

  • NEW PAPER: N. Arabchigavkani, R. Somphonsane, H. Ramamoorthy, G. He, J. Nathawat, S. Yin, B. Barut, K. He, M. D. Randle, R. Dixit, K. Sakanashi, N. Aoki , K. Zhang, L. Wang, W.-N. Mei, P. A. Dowben, J. Fransson, and J. P. Bird, "Remote mesoscopic signatures of induced magnetic texture in graphene", Physical Review Letters 126, 086802 (2021). An associated news release accompanies the publication of this work. 

  • NEW PAPER: Keke He and Jonathan Bird collaborated with the group of Prof. Hao Zeng from the Department of Physics at UB to publish a paper on the magnetic properties of the covalent 2D magnet Cr2Te3M. Bian, A. N. Kamenskiic, M. Han, W. Li, S. Wei, X. Tian,  D. B. Eason, F. Sun, K. He, H. Hui, F. Yao, R. Sabirianov, J. P. Bird, C. Yang, J. Miao, J. Lin, S. A. Crooker, Y. Hou, and H. Zeng, "Covalent 2D Cr2Te3 ferromagnet", Materials Research Letters 9, 205 (2021).

  • Keke He gave a virtual presentation on NoMaD research on graphene-on-chromia spintronic devices, at the session on Nanocarbon & 2D Materials of the 81st Autumn Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied Physics.

  • NEW PAPER: R. Dixit, B. Barut, S. Yin, J. Nathawat, M. Randle, N. Arabchigavkani, K. He, C.-P. Kwan, T. D. Mishima, M. B. Santos, D. K. Ferry , I. R. Sellers , and J. P. Bird, “Pulsed studies of intervalley transfer in Al0.35In0.65As: A paradigm for valley photovoltaics” Physical Review Materials 4, 085404 (2020). 

JUNE 2020
  • NEW PAPER: N. Sharma, J. P. Bird, Ch. Binek, P. A. Dowben, D. Nikonov, and A. Marshall, "Evolving magneto-electric device technologies", Semiconductor Science & Technology 35, 073001 (2020). This invited Topical Review discusses several classes of magneto-electric devices and their possible implementations as CMOS replacements. 

MAY 2020
  • Nargess Arabchigavkani successfully defended her PhD thesis, on studies of mesoscopic phenomena in hybrid graphene/ferromagnetic devices. Congratulations Nargess on giving the first Zoom defense within the group. Nargess has accepted a position as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the group of Prof. Ji Ung Lee at the College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering, SUNY Poly. Outstanding!

  • Chun-Pui Kwan obtained a position as senior process integration engineer with Global Foundries, Inc. Congratulations!

APRIL 2020
  • Jonathan Bird gave a Zoom Colloquium to the Solid-State Physics Class at the University of Oklahoma, on the subject of hot-carrier phenomena in two-dimensional materials.

MARCH 2020
  • NEW PAPER: R. Somphonsane, H. Ramamoorthy, G. He, J. Nathawat, S. Yin, C.-P. Kwan, N. Arabchigavkani, B. Barut, M. Zhao, Z. Jin, J. Fransson, and J. P. Bird, "Universal scaling of weak localization in graphene due to bias-induced dispersion decoherence", Scientific Reports 10, 5611 (2020).

  • Yuichiro Saitoh of Chiba University joined our group for a one-month stay, during which he will work with the group of Prof. Vasili Perebeinos on theoretical studies of low-dimensional semiconductors. Welcome to Buffalo Yuichiro!

  • Jonathan Bird visited Japan, where he was hosted by Prof. Nobuyuki Aoki of Chiba University. During his almost two-week stay, he gave several graduate classes in Chiba on semiconductor devices, and presented a seminar on NoMaD research on 2D materials. He visited the group of Prof. Kousuke Nagashio of the University of Tokyo, where he also gave a seminar on NoMaD work. Additionally on the schedule was a visit to the group of NoMaD collaborator Dr Takeyoshi Sugaya of AIST (the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Tsukuba.

  • NEW PAPERJ. Nathawat, K. K. H. Smithe, C. D. English, S. Yin, R. Dixit, M. Randle, N. Arabchigavkani, B. Barut, K. He, E. Pop, and J. P. Bird, "Transient hot-carrier dynamics and intrinsic velocity saturation in monolayer MoS2", Physical Review Materials 4, 014002 (2020).

  • Jonathan Bird and Nargess Arabchigavkani gave contributed talks on NoMaD research at WINDS 2019 - the 2019 Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems, which was held at the the Fairmont Orchid Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii.

  • Jubin Nathawat successfully defended his PhD thesis, on transient studies of hot-carrier transport in 2D semiconductors. Congratulations Jubin on a job well done!

  • NEW PAPER: S. Yin, J. G. Gluschke, A. P. Micolich, J. Nathawat, B. Barut, R. Dixit, N. Arabchigavkani, K.e He, M. Randle, C.-P. Kwan, and J. P. Bird, "Nonvolatile memory action due to hot-carrier charge injection in graphene-on-parylene transistors", ACS Applied Electronic Materials 1, 2260 (2019).

  • Professor Gil-Ho Kim of SKKU (Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea) arrived for a one-month stay in NoMaD. Among other things, Prof. Kim will be engaged in discussions of future collaborative research between our groups. Welcome Prof. Kim!

  • A news release describes the implications of our newly published research on quantum-wave localization in nanoscale conductors. 

  • Jonathan Bird gave an invited talk on NoMaD research on transient investigations of hot-carrier dynamics in 2D semiconductors at SSDM2019, the 2019 International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials, which was held at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, from Sept. 2nd - 5th, 2019.

  • Gregory Aizin gave a contributed talk on NoMaD research on plasmonic terahertz sources at IRMMW-THz 2019, the 2019 International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, which was held in Paris, France, from Sept. 1st - 6th, 2019.

  • NEW PAPER: M. Randle, A. Lipatov, A. Kumar, P. A. Dowben, A. Sinitskii, U. Singisetti, and J. P. Bird, “Reply to “Comment on ‘gate-controlled metal−insulator transition in TiS3 nanowire field-effect transistors’” ”, ACS Nano 13, 8498 (2019).

JULY 2019
  • NEW PATENT: D. E. Nikonov, C. Binek, X. Hong, J. P. Bird, K. L. Wang, and P. A. Dowben, "Magneto-electric logic devices using semiconductor channel with large spin-orbit coupling",  US 10,361,292 B2, issued: Jul. 23, 2019.

  • NEW PAPER: Y.-H. Lee, S. Xiao, K. W. Kim, J. L. Reno, J. P. Bird, and J. E. Han, “Giant zero bias anomaly due to coherent scattering from frozen phonon disorder in quantum point contacts”, Physical Review Letters 123, 056802 (2019). 

  • NoMaD had strong representation at EDISON21, The 21st International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures, held in Nara, Japan from July 15 – 19. Mike Randle, Jubin Nathawat, Jonathan Bird, and Ripudaman Dixit all gave talks at the meeting, while Shenchu Yin presented a poster on our joint research with the Micolich group  at the University of New South Wales.

JUNE 2019
  • Mike Randle attended the 700. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on "One-Dimensional Systems for Quantum Technology", which was held at the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef, Germany. While participating in the workshop, Mike gave a contributed poster presentation on his work on a "Gate-controlled metal-insulator transition in TiS3 nanowire field-effect transistors". Wunderbar Mike!

  • Yao-Hsuen "Mimi" Lee had her paper, on a giant zero-bias anomaly in quantum point contacts, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.  This paper, which summarizes the results of Mimi's PhD work, is currently in press and should be published sometime in early August. Congratulations Mimi on a great achievement.

MARCH 2019
  • Nargess Arabchigavkani gave a contributed talk on NoMaD research at the 2019 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, held in Boston, MA.

  • NEW PAPER: J. Nathawat, M. Zhao, C.-P. Kwan, S. Yin, N. Arabchigavkani, M. Randle, H. Ramamoorthy, G. He, R. Somphonsane, N. Matsumoto, K. Sakanashi, M. Kida, N. Aoki, Z. Jin, Y. Kim, G.-H. Kim, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and J. P. Bird, “Transient response of h-BN-encapsulated graphene transistors: signatures of self-heating and hot-carrier trapping”, ACS Omega 4, 4082 – 4090 (2019).

  • The group was visited by Elaine Wong of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, who described her measurements of time-resolved photo-electron emission spectroscopy to group members. Thanks for coming and we look forward to further interactions together!

  • Jonathan Bird was in Delhi for a week to visit a number of universities and to discuss future collaborations with faculty there. He spoke on NoMaD research at the Centre for Applied Electronics Research in Electronics (CARE) at IIT Delhi, in the Department of Physics & Astrophysics at the University of Delhi, and in the School of Physical Sciences at JNU.

  • Jonathan Bird was asked to give an invited talk on NoMaD research on velocity saturation in 2D semiconductors at SSDM2019, the 2019 International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials, which will be held at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, from Sept. 2nd - 5th, 2019.

  • NEW PAPER: M. Randle, A. Lipatov, A. Kumar, C.-P. Kwan, J. Nathawat, B. Barut, S. Yin, K. He, N. Arabchigavkani, R. Dixit, T. Komesu, J. Avila, M. C. Asensio, P. A. Dowben, A. Sinitskii, U. Singisetti, and J. P. Bird, "Gate-controlled metal−insulator transition in TiS3 nanowire field-effect transistors", ACS Nano 13, 803 – 811 (2019).

  • Chun-Pui Kwan successfully defended his PhD thesis on electrical investigations of chromia thin films. Congratulations on a great job Chun!

  • Adam Micolich visited to give a seminar on nanowire transistors and to engage in collaborative research on parylene-based graphene FETs.

  • Kohei Sakanashi from Chiba University joined us for a ten day visit to pursue joint research on BN-encapsulated graphene transistors. Welcome Kohei!

  • Jonathan Bird visited Chiba University to give a series of classes and lectures in the Graduate School of Engineering.

  • Bilal Barut, Jubin Nathawat, and Michael Randle gave contributed presentations on NoMaD research at WINDS 2018 - the 2018 Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems, which was held at the the Westin Hapuna Beach Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii.

  • Jonathan Bird gave an invited seminar on NoMaD research in the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics at Tulane University, New Orleans.

  • Mike Randle presented the results of his research on electron transport in titanium trisulphide nanowires at TECHCON 2018 in Austin, TX.

  • PATENT APPLICATION: D. E. Nikonov, C. Binek, X. Hong, J. P. Bird, K. L. Wang, and P. A. Dowben, "Magneto-electric logic devices using semiconductor channel with large spin-orbit coupling", US 2018/0240896 A1. 

MAY 2018
  • Some nice news about Mike Randle. Mike was recently given an "honorable mention" for his application to the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program. At the same time, he recently authored a nice article on his research ("New World Disorder") at

MARCH 2018
  • NEW PAPER: A. Mahmood, M. Street, W. Echtenkamp, C. P. Kwan, J. P. Bird, and C. Binek, "Dielectric properties of thin Cr2O3 films grown on elemental and oxide metallic substrates", Physical Review Materials 2, 044401 (2018).

  • CONFERENCE PRESENTATION: Jubin Nathawat gave a poster presentation on “Transient investigations of hot-carrier transport in BN-encapsulated graphene FETs”, at Graphene US: Graphene & 2D Materials International Conference & Exhibition, in New York City.

  • NEW PAPER: P. A. Dowben, C. Binek, K. Zhang, L. Wang, W.-N. Mei, J. P. Bird, U. Singisetti, X. Hong, K. L. Wang, and D. Nikonov, "Towards a strong spin-orbit coupling magneto-electric transistor", IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits 4, 1 - 9 (2018).

  • NEW PAPER: C. Ladewig, T. Cheng, M. D. Randle, J. P. Bird, O. Olanipekun, P. Dowben, J. A. Kelber, and W. A. Goddard, "Ordered three-fold symmetric graphene oxide/buckled graphene/graphene heterostructures on MgO (111) by carbon molecular beam epitaxy", Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6, DOI: 10.1039/C8TC00178B (2018).

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